Tinsuits #2 is finally HERE!
“Cover B” by Daniel A. Becker for “Tinsuits” #2
At long last, the much anticipated follow up chapter 2 of the “Tinsuits” series is finally HERE! Yes, as of the writing of these words…right now…the comic is….FINISHED! There, done. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “What gives?! Its been, like, a year-and-a-half since the first one came out! Where were all the sneak-peeks and much needed tid-bits for while we waited? How long does it really take to do a simple 24-page comic?!” I know, I know. I’ve been embarrassingly slack on the blog front, especially with Tinsuits. But there’s reasons for that.
The answer is two fold. For one, as the entire visual creative team (artist, letterer, colorist, editor, designer, formatter, nit-picker), it does take a long time to do all these things, and do them well, before the comic even sees light. The writer and I are both people who strive to bring the best story and product to the table, and we’re both the kind of people who will fuss over details (fortunately, we’ve learned to loosen up a little). We also both understand that what might take longer in production is worth far more in time and quality afterwards when you can look at what you’ve done, and not find any glaring mistakes, flaws, or regrets. As for the sneak-peeks and tempting morsels? Those are all on my instagram page. Really, the best way to stay in touch with all my projects is to follow me on social media. I don’t always post, but when there’s something cool to show off, that’s usually where it will land first.
Second is all the other stuff I’ve been working on since Tinsuits #1 came out. As soon as TS #1 was finished, I got right onto working on Master & Apprentice #2, another long-overdue project that needed dedication. At around the same time, I got tagged to work on the graphic novel Polis: the Trial of Socrates, pt.I. As one person, I can only do so much on so many projects at once, and I’ve come to realise that to do something well means focusing on that project, to the exclusion of others if need be.
But enough excuses. There’s a lot of exciting things about this next chapter for Tinsuits. For one, the artwork has improved greatly since the first. Take a look at some of the samples below. I feel like I’ve improved my quality of line art and coloring over the last year or so, and hope to continue that trend with the next projects I’m working on.
Second is that we are also showcasing some awesome artwork by another fellow Aussie artist for our Cover. I met Harshmellow at a group art show in Melbourne in April 2019, and after seeing her work, I immediately thought she would be a great artist to feature for a variant cover. She didn’t disappoint. The writer and I had discussed the idea of featuring other artists in the comic, both as a way of helping them gain some experience and exposure, but also to ad some artistic depth to the book we’re creating. Harshmellow was easy to work with and came up with an awesome image for our feature cover.
“Cover A” by Harshmellow. Way cool…
Tinsuits #2 will make its Aussie debut at the OZ CON Sydney show on September 27-28th, so get your tickets NOW to get a copy in person. Otherwise, catch me at a number of other conventions and shows coming up later this year or in 2020 and beyond. You can also order it here (Australia only, sorry everywhere else) on the website. In the mean time, here’s those sneak-peeks you’ve been pinning for all this time. Also, a big, heart-filled THANKS to all the fans and supporters who have followed along and patiently been waiting for this second addition. We do this for the love of story and art, but also because we want to entertain, so really, we do all this for YOU ! Enjoy!