To purchase, just click on the appropriate buttons and you’ll be redirected to a SQUARE check-out site, the INVISIBLE INK SHOP, where you can also purchase other items all in one.
Fan art inspired by the dangerous and beautiful flora of Australia. This image features some of Australia, and the world’s, most poisonous and deadly plants. FOR EVERY PRINT PURCHASED, A TREE WILL BE PLANTED TO HELP RESTORE AND SUSTAIN OUR WILD SPACES.
“Tank Girl" (Give Peace a Shot).
Digital Illustration, 2019. Copyright Daniel A. Becker, all rights reserved.
Sizes: A3 (297 x 420 mm) // A2 (420 x 595 mm)
"La Muerte"
Digital Illustration. 2015. Done for a Day of the Dead festival in Canberra, ACT. Arguably one of the best pieces I've ever produced.
Sizes: A3 (297 x 420 mm) // A2 (420 x 594 mm)
Spidey (just another Tuesday)
One of the most popular prints on offer. Digital print, 2019.
Sizes: A3 (297 x 420 mm) // A2 (420 x 594 mm)
"Miss Justice"
Digital Illustration. 2015
Sizes: A3 (297 x 420 mm) // A2 ( 420 x 594 mm)
Digital Illustration, 2015.
One of the most exotic and provocative pieces I've done. It has no real deep meaning, but alludes to the semi-erotic fascination people have with food.
Sizes: A3 (297 x 420 mm) // A2 (420 x 594 mm)
Available in 3 different variants. See store for options.
Digital Illustration. 2015.
A celebration of all the unique and wonderful things found in Canberra, ACT.
SIzes: A3 (297 x 420 mm) // A2 (420 x 594 mm)
"Mother of Exiles"
Digital Illustration. 2016.
Wonder Woman fan art, dedicated to the plight of refugees everywhere.
Small (230 x 490 mm)
Medium (270 x 590 mm)
Large (380 x 840 mm)
Digital illustration. 2016. FAN ART
Small (230 x 490 mm)
Medium (270 x 590 mm)
Large (380 x 840 mm)
"Harley Quinn"
Digital illustration. 2016. FAN ART
Small (230 x 490 mm)
Medium (270 x 590 mm)
Large (380 x 840 mm)
If you are interested in purchasing any of my available artwork, please visit my ETSY shop for secure, international transactions. Enjoy!